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The Brigham & Women’s Hospital Lipid Optimization (B-LO) Program is an entirely new way to improve your heart health.

By making use of the Internet and telephone-based communications, the Brigham & Women’s Hospital Division of Cardiovascular Medicine is pleased to offer this innovative service designed to place a team of world-expert cardiovascular physicians, pharmacists, and patient coaches in your corner, on your schedule, and in sync with your personalized heart health goals; all without the need for any additional clinic visits. 

High cholesterol remains one of the most important and more easily modifiable health conditions for heart and vascular disease. Properly controlled cholesterol levels have already lowered the risk for heart attack, stroke, and death for millions of Americans. The B-LO team has unparalleled experience working specifically with individuals who have high-risk cholesterol levels and/or problems taking cholesterol-lowering medications like statins. The team has considerable success in overcoming these hurdles and finding alternative approaches that can help avoid complications. The foundation of this success stems from B-LO’s commitment to finding a highly-personalized strategy to cholesterol-lowering therapy that that incorporates individualized goals and specific medical history. 


B-LO pairs you with a personal coach that will work with you and your doctor to optimize your cholesterol-lowering strategy every step of the way. A key aspect of the Program is providing you with the highest quality information on cholesterol, cholesterol-lowering therapy, and strategies to overcome specific problems with cholesterol-lowering therapies so that you can make informed decisions to guide your own heart health. As part of this effort, we are pleased to provide you with several video tutorials on this site designed to provide you with an in-depth discussion of these issues that might otherwise be too detailed to discuss in a typical, time-limited clinic visit.

We hope that you find these videos helpful. As always, please feel free to contact us at anytime with questions or to discuss any of this material in more detail. These videos are meant as a starting place for our ongoing conversations and shared goal to improve your overall heart health. 

Welcome again. We couldn’t me more pleased to be part of your team. 


The B-LO team
Brigham and Women’s Hospital 


I had given up on lowering my cholesterol after failing two statins. I started to develop pain in my legs once I began them. My primary care doctor recommended me to the BWH B-LO program. At the very beginning of this program, I never thought I would be writing this now, but: the B-LO program has worked very well for me!

I am a 52 yo. male. In the past I have had myalgia pain associated with statins. Over several years I have started and stopped more statins that I can count. In this program I started taking micro doses of statins, slowly weaning my body to accept statins. I am glad I tried this program.

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